Friday, May 14, 2010

Trim the bush!

As you know from my earlier post about the eventful life I had since I came to Sweden. The result of it is my bushy eyebrows. My eyebrows have been totally neglected. It has grown out unruly and I looked like Grinch! LOL! I was kidding, you know that right?! :)

In Singapore, I could just go to a salon and get it threaded and I would pluck the the strays to maintain the shape. Since I am new in Sweden, I do not know where they do eyebrows in Uppsala. I would appreciate if anyone could advise me if you knew of a place.

I could not stand the sight of it so I had to trim the bush! The Diy style LOL! I plucked and threaded the unruly hair. Finally I got it in shape and it looks symmetric!

Here is the evidence!



Now I look like a normal person. Eyebrows are very important for a well groomed look. Just make sure that you know what you are doing and use the right tools. I used the following.

I used this chart as a guide when shaping the eyebrows.

Eyebrow comb

Good tweezers

Threading thread to remove the fine hair (could not get the picture but you know what I mean!)

A good pair of eyebrow scissors

Lastly, you need a good mirror and patience.  

I hope you liked this post. Till next time, have a wonderful weekend!


  1. You did a great job..yes those brows were in need of attention!

  2. Your brows look fab. How in the world did you thread them yourself?

  3. Wow, you did a super job, you should do your own eye brows from now on and spend the extra money on beads, marvelous bead! :D

  4. I get my eyebrows threaded. That's the only way to go :) How did you thread them yourself?? I'm impressed! They look great!

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