Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's Cold & Dark! How do you deal with it?

It's 0 degrees here in Sweden. The sun sets at 430pm and sun rises at 8am. It's always cloudy and dull. How do you deal with darkness and cold? I really do not know how. I try not to look at the clock so that I don't freak out at how the days are shorter. My skin is has lost most of the sunny glow. Now it looks pale like I would when I'm sick. How do I deal with that?

I didn't realize how much the sun is important in ones life until now.  Thank God I am going back to Singapore in Jan for 3 weeks. 

Even though life is good, we always tend to find something to complain about. For me it's the cold and darkness. I am so used to having sunlight/sunshine from 7am till 630pm back in Singapore.

Don't mind my rambling, hope you are having an awesome weekend. How is the weather on your side?

This is how it looks outside my home.


(PS: I am planning a giveaway so hopefully it will be revealed soon!)


  1. Awh! Keep your head up and your lights on ;) Lol. Well I think the best way to deal with it is to embrace it, if your home in the house because the weather is gloomy have tea or hot chocolate, read a book, watch movies or shows you love, or go out and play in the snow! Just think of it this way you are lucky to travel and see different places, I'd love to see Sweden, although I can understand being homesick.

  2. Perhaps enjoy the darkness now, because you'll be so sick of the sun in the Nordic summer! ;)

  3. It can be really tough being in a different climate! I know a little about how you feel. When I have to go to Alaska for work, the climate is SO different from what I'm used to. I'm sure in time you'll be able to find a way to make the most of it. Maybe you'll be able to find a way TO BRING A LITTLE BIT OF SINGAPORE TO SWEDEN! Change is a hard thing and sometimes takes time getting used to. You're one tough cookie I know you'll make it through *hugs*. Congrats on your upcoming trip. I know it will be super exciting!

  4. aww hun i live in england, and the weather is ALWAYS crap, rain, wind, sleet cold ugh! i jus wish i can curl up in bed and hybernate the whole winter away but life must go on, jus wrap up warm and busy urself up x

  5. I'm just like Amina, I want to hybernate 'cause England is a wet mess right now.

    I would also keep the lights bright and have a few of your favorite old sweaters at hand. :D You'll make it through.
